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Welcome to the
Side Quests

This is where I present all the other stuff I create that is not directly related to Encarteraux. Most of it will still be made out of paper but I might throw some other materials, like wood or metal, in the mix.

DIY - Pencil Cups

The first sidequest I completed (some time ago) are simple - but beautyful - pencil cups. I have been using them for quite some time now and they are still holding up nicely. And since I needed more for my scissors and the utensils for the cutting machine I dug up the project and made three new ones.

And now you can build them too.

Download the template for the pencil cup here

Just get your favorite scissors, some glue and sturdy paper (the paper I use has a weight of 270 g/m²), print out the pdf-file and get started.

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